Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Creative Goddess that I am

I am a Creative Goddess, I have always thought so. But "The Dame's Got Moxie" has confirmed what I have long thought about myself. Check out the blog that came about from my tweets before a much heralded "business lunch" that I had to attend.

The blog was so on target, I was awed and astonished. Now is all this self glorifying moi justified, CERTAINLY I say. Not to the point of total narcissim. But to the fact of further fully embracing the creative person that I am.

I have been making blankets, baskets, cards, and other projects for the last few years. I never once really looked at what I was making as being creative. Just things I picked up on doing. Hobbies and somewhat of a business, since I have people paying me to make customized gift baskets for them.

So yes, you may look and scoff, "Creative Goddess indeed" I look and say, "Creative Goddess hot damn!"

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hot Fun in the Summertime

Well summer 2011 is in full swing. The kids are out of school and scattered about with various activities, classes, camps and of course parties. The weather, well I live in Michigan. The saying is, "if you don't like the weather give it 20 mins. it will change".

So far we have had wonderful outings with the tribe, and my guy. We have been all over the place, parks, malls and just enjoying time together. If we aren't out and about then we are at a friends house who has a pool and she has given me keys and carte blanche to use the pool whenever, now that's how I roll LOL.

My gothchild is now 16 and in full swing of being a teenager. Suddenly, she is going to parties and (shudder) dating. My bohochild is now 13 and she is still finding her path. But both girls are happy and thriving. As a parent that's all you can ask. The girls are enrolled in art classes, drama camp and making their pligrimage to Colorado later this summer.

As for moi, I am ok. Other than the usual pain, I am mostly good. I am working on various activities and events surrounding gothchilds school. But I also have avoided back to back meetings and scheduling events that I know I don't want to do. For once my summer is going by quietly for the most part and I LOVE THAT!

So yes, we are having "hot fun in the summertime"

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring is on the horizon

Well I must say that we the people in the state of Michigan have EARNED our spring this year. Actually I think the United States as a whole has paid in full several times for the upcoming spring weather.

I don't kvetch about winter too much. I mean I live in Michigan, hello winter happens here. But between the snow and ice, lots of ice we just seemed to have winter set up camp during February and take root.

Tonight it's supposed to be rather chilly below 20 degrees. But then that sets up the week for what should be rising temps a little each day. By mid week temps in the 50's! The 50's I can deal with 50 degree temps. 50 is good in my book LOL.

Spring break will soon be upon us. I will soon have a 16yr old. I can't believe that I will have a child old enough to drive. Drive whose car is still a mystery, cause it won't be mine LOL. But still my oldest will be 16 and she has already decided on her celebratory dinner/dessert.

If that wasnt milestone enough "the baby" will be 13 a true teenager this summer. Why is time flying by so fast all of a sudden. I seem to remember just a few days ago I had a toddler and an infant in my arms.

At any rate, as spring approaches I have decided to clear out not only my cupboards and closet of items. I am clearing out my life as well. I have unjoined certain groups and social networking sites. I have cleaned out my facebook friends of folks who befriended me but never said anything to me. And now I will be letting go of some personal obligations as well.

Nothing is wrong, I just feel it's time to reflect and restructure who I am. These changes, these metamorphisis if you will are good. They are good for the soul and the psyche. If you don't allow yourself to change you stagnate and that my friends is something I don't want to do.

I feel and see things coming on the horizon in my life. Change is the proverbial house cleaner if you will. People will be moved in and around and even out of your life. Its ok, perhaps that person's reason for being in your life has been served. If someone is supposed to stick around, they will.

So open up a window and your arms and embrace the change of seasons once more.