Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Serati's Flame

I just finished reading Serati's Flame by T.J. Michaels. If you like your books with bite and spice, then this novel is just the ticket for you.

From the first page to the last page, Michaels characters deliver action and adventure and of course hot, searing passion. What can I say I like what I like and that means action, magick, adventure and sex in my books.

Alaan Serati is the main male character of this book. Michaels vivid and devastating description of Serati is one that gets the libido racing. Serati is a man who is passionate about everything, his life, his work and his love for Tameth.

Tameth the main female character is strong, talented and equally passionate. It takes Tameth awhile to really believe that Alaan is truly in love with her and not the ghost/memory of his former love.

Tameth and Alaan's first intimate encounter is anything but delicate, but passions are ignited and you the reader gets to enjoy all that these characters have to offer.

I am definately hooked on Michaels, I am going to have to see what other books of hers I can find.

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