What can I say I was reading my latest issue of MORE magazine and I came across this funny article. I agree with some of it, and I wouldn't be me if I didn't add in my two cents worth.
10 reasons sex is better over 40 by Susan Shapiro
1. I've come clean. The time for fake IDs and even faker orgasms has long passed
ME: Fake an orgasm...why even bother at that rate.
2. I'm not easily rattled-If the condom rips, a leg cramps or a wrong name is is whispered, I can laugh about it. At 47, I'm more graceful when things go wrong and more grateful when it all goes right.
ME: I can so totally agree with this.
3. I no longer expect my lover to be a mind reader-I request birth control, viagra, a vibrator, handcuffs and porn when I want them...
ME: What no silk scarves or a flogger or two?
4. ...and I say no to gymnastic pretzel positions when I don't.
ME: ahh but it's always nice to be flexible IMHO.
5. I'm secure in my insecurities-A good man will focus on the size of my heart, not the size of my thighs. But there's nothing wrong with dimmer switches, candlelight, high-heeled slippers and satin robes.
ME: Whatever makes both of you feel good, go for it.
6. My waist my be bigger, but so is my wallet-nothing jump starts my drive like a weekend at a spa.
ME: ok nothing starts my drive like a simple pamper day whatever that may entail.
7. It's ok not to cuddle-If I'd rather watch TV or read a book, I don't obsess over what my coolness to postcoitel cooing really says about my relationship.
ME: gotta agree on this one, cuddling is great if you are both into that.
8. I'm not trying to set any personal records-I've been around the block, meaning I've gone down in an elevator, sideways in an airplane bathroom, standing up in the ocean. This has led to a sprained ankle, angry passengers and a sandy bikini bottom. I've come to accept that I like it best in a bed.
ME: Well I guess it all depends on who you are with. But a lazyboy recliner has wonderful possibilities.
9. I crave the sugar, but not the daddy-Gifts don't turn me on. I have my own money, thank you.
ME: are you meshuga...I love gifts, thank you very much
10. I can finally live out my Mrs. Robinson fantasy-If only I found twenty-something snivelers sexy.
ME: There are some very gifted and exceptional 20-something and 30-something men out there. NO fantasy here, if we click we click, age be damned!
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