Monday, December 20, 2010

Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Zippity do-dah that was how 2010 went by. In a blur and it's December 2010. The year while it zipped past certainly has had it's memorable moments. And what would the year be like without the mandatory bumps that life hands us.

Overall, still very much in love with my guy. We both decided to stop fighting what the universe is saying and just be together. We decided that the universe message was along the lines of, "you two are nuts and to save the rest of human-kind I am keeping you two together no matter what" LOL

That being said, my tribe is very happy, they love my honey as if he were their dad. Which I must say he is pleased as can be to step into that role. He loves them completely and is there supporting them along the way.

Despite other family challenges, 2010 has been ok. Still have my health and parts of my sanity. I mean lets be honest I was never completely sane. Parenthood isn't for wimps and you have to be slightly nuts to have and raise kids.

My bff of 29yrs and I are looking at next year and want to do something to celebrate 30yrs of being friends. I suggested going to a tropical island and being served drinks by men who live to serve us. She being the realist suggested a girls weekend of laughing and other debaughery closer to home. Either way drinks will be involved and that is a good thing.

I will soon be 45 (jan 3rd) if you wish to send me a card:-) Anyway to be friends with someone for 30yrs. I don't just mean a casual friend. I mean I can call in the middle of the night, and bawl my eyes out type of friend. The type of friend that if she got arrrested I may not have bail money but I would be there to do what I could.

Tis a rare friendship indeed that survives this long in this day and age. We met at the age of 15 on the bus to camp. Good Old Camp Nissokone to be exact. As I recall it was not friendship at first sight. She was bossy and pissed me off LOL.

However, somehow we got to know each other and wha-la here we are. We were pregnant with our 1st children at the same time. She is the Godmother to my girls. And now we are surviving divorce together.

Our paths in life have been very, very different. Yet, no matter the path we knew that each of us was there along the way cheering the other on. At times being a friend, a good friend entails keeping your mouth shut when you KNOW you should say something. But usually one or both of us will say to the other, "why didn't you say something to me" to which the universal answer is, "because you were determined to do it no matter what was said."

So as 2010 draws to a close, I know that I cried, laughed and listened to my best bud and that she did the same for me. Look out 2011 here we come, cocktail glasses in hand.

1 comment:

23mkr said...

Could't get through this without tears!! I am the bbf, she so kindly (and colorfully) refers to. Ups and downs, different paths and crazy times - we never miss a beat. And when time does go by (which is rare these days) we pick right where we left off. Not sure I'm the realist in this relationship - since I am still wishing on a start. But I do know the condition of both of our checkbooks - which is why the whole beach/men/drinks things is going to have to wait. No matter what, we'll celebrate in style - our style. The style that when two wonderful, strong, funny, attractive women stick it out together this long becomes a life long habit. I would have it no other way, nor do I share style with anyone else like I do my 29, almost 30 year long relationship with this woman who inspires me daily. I am grateful and feel blessed that we share our strength when we each need it, we share our laughter (at times when we have nothing else to lean on), and we share a bond that few experience - nor do I ever wish to squander. Cheers to 29 years, and bring on the next 29, drinks and all!!!