My youngest daughter, who I call my boho flower child. She is so compassionate. If she thought it would end war she would bake cookies for the world. Syd only wants love and hugs all around.
Lately her mom, (that would be me) has been dealing with life and all that entails. I have't been feeling too well. So my darling child knowing her mother sent me this lovely piece that one of her friends sent to her.
If anything we can all learn something from your random 11yr. old. Thank you Sydne. I love you.
Love me, hate me. Either way, you’re still thinking of me. People who gossip to you will gossip about you. Hate the haters, love the lovers. Don’t forget to be unique. Do what you love, love what you do. Life is a waste without friends, so make some.
Love is stronger than you think it is. You are loved, you are hated. Life isn’t fair, but who cares? Relax when you can, work hard when you have to. Don’t do what you know you can’t. Don’t do what you don’t want to do. Wisdom is only expressing cleverness in a kind, smart way. People don’t know what they mean unless you know they mean it. Take yourself seriously. Don’t doubt yourself or your friends. Don’t care what others think of you unless it’s positive; if not, they are extremely jealous. Believe in yourself.
Remember that people can change, and that’s okay. Remember that you can change, to be whoever or whatever you want to be. Love isn’t everything, friendship isn’t everything, you aren’t everything, but combined, they are everything. Life is fun, once you make it so. Ignore the ones who are mean. Follow the ones who are nice. Lead whatever you want. Don’t be too full of yourself. Don’t get a big head. No one has any reason to hate you, no matter how bad.
Words of Wisdom from a good Ravenclaw